out counting cars

a place thats out there, for people like me......

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

brain dead

as i have seem to forget i do have this oh so fasaning life and i know all you love reading about it some times i forget and go brain dead......as a freind that was reading my blog they wrote

Anonymous said…hi, I used to read your blogs awhile back. What ever happend to box, or that person...

at first i was lost and then i was sitting here on this day at this time i it hit me like a ton of bricks

i worte on 1/17/2005

i see it every day it sits on the floor of my room its black and white wraped in news paper
the only thing i get from it bing there is the will to drive forward moving past everything the box is about.

i know not what the box is there to remind me of, the past that i lived thought before and the times i live thorght now thinking of you i just only know one thing about his box on the floor it tells me that i am perfectly complety with me life as it is moveing on with it. I look forward to one day know i will part with it, but know that i have grown use to it being there, it will be there and stay with me as i move forward.

i love my close friends and by the way if you have to ask your stuiped...

to let you know what happen to the box is but anought memory in my past as i set it on fire i watched the pain of what the box meant to me go away as the smoke raised into the air so did what felt for the person the the box was for... its sad some times that it takes a act of descrution to help people move on but some time it just comes do to it at least my descrution was to my own belonings the way all violenice should be to one self


  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Andrew said…

    Wow dude, that is deep. I'm glad to see things are going better now.


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