i must be running out of luck, or your just not drunk anought to fuck and i just do not want you anymore..
well as i get ready for the great burning as i take a friends advice, i look at the one thing i have to remind me of so much joy and then i think of all the paini felt in the last month. i still do not know what i did to drive you away... but hell i no longer care to know i just need the one thing that is mine back., but if do not get it then i have no use for it so oh well as a say me good byes to that item.... i well see if a can take some great pictures of the burning once i find a place to set the black and white object to a flame .........
well as i get ready for the great burning as i take a friends advice, i look at the one thing i have to remind me of so much joy and then i think of all the paini felt in the last month. i still do not know what i did to drive you away... but hell i no longer care to know i just need the one thing that is mine back., but if do not get it then i have no use for it so oh well as a say me good byes to that item.... i well see if a can take some great pictures of the burning once i find a place to set the black and white object to a flame .........
At 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
maybe before you act ... you should talk to the person ... seems as tho have all these thoughts and assume that a or the person would know who you are talking about but everyone knows never to assume... advice from a stranger... TALK TO THE PERSON step out of your "comfy zone"
At 3:38 PM,
World champion said…
well maybe i have tried talking to the person and it seems to be thats the person is always busy and does not want to talk and has other stuff always come up. maybe they shoule talk to me when it is convent for them ......
At 5:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
don't give up man
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
burn the damn thing
just do it
she is a stupid person who cannot appreciate what she could have had so just end everything with that one big fire!!
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
hi i dont know much about this situation except from wat i have read in your journals....but it seems as though it is your own fault. supposedly that girl does not even know that you like her and evryone is bashing on her. you need to do what is best for you and stop listening to everyone else. I am a female and if i was that gurl i'd be pissed that you neer told your feelings just went on assumptions. i feel as if i am just ramling, but when i read your journal and others responses it striked me and made me mad so i am done.
At 12:49 PM,
World champion said…
well i do not always list to the poeple, when it comes down to things but some people have helped me thought the whole thing and know all the facts . So i really am listen to thse people who are female as while. but i apprectance your andvistice and it makes alot of since what you said i thank you for it.. i guess i could ask what you think i should do about the whole thing ?
At 1:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
talk to the girl..i'm sure she has no idea that any of this is even taking place. she probobly does not even know that you care for her. i just hate to hear stories like this. it's like if you like someone tell them... if you get rejected oh well you'll move on and it will help you get over it a whole lot faster since there is no wondering about how she feels.
At 2:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
talk to the girl..i'm sure she has no idea that any of this is even taking place. she probobly does not even know that you care for her. i just hate to hear stories like this. it's like if you like someone tell them... if you get rejected oh well you'll move on and it will help you get over it a whole lot faster since there is no wondering about how she feels.
At 2:04 PM,
World champion said…
well i have tried to call here if you read the rest of the blogs i have she does not seem to answer or return my calls so i a cross far as getting over it i while past that now i would just rather get my stuff back and hope she has a happy life from her on out......
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
so have you talked to the girl?
At 11:25 AM,
World champion said…
well its hard to talk to here when she well not answer my calls but i guess i could have said some thing at the party but i no longer care for her since she has been out of my life for some time now
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