out counting cars

a place thats out there, for people like me......

Sunday, May 01, 2005

in the end

many people wake up everyday and go to bed every night, not paying attention to what they do in the middle of those to things. some think, some go to work and some jsut have fun. i am on who does way to much in one day. but by far i think way to much. i think about ever thing, what am i going to do in two weeks when schools i over, where do i want a job, what about all the freindships i have. what to do what to do. i just have to leave addvice to those who care to hear it do every thing you want to do way you are in college, because once the end is in sight you have to focus on what is at hand, and thats getting a job. i just have to say no matter what happens i will do my best to stay in touch with all my freinds as best i can. i wish you all the luck with you studies......


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