out counting cars

a place thats out there, for people like me......

Friday, July 30, 2004

In the wiNdoW

In the eyes of just looking at what is going on in the world, I see people that are best friends fighting for now reason. In blows my mind when a girl and a guy are Best friends and they fight over some thing stupid when the guy has a night planed for him self and the girl goes bitches at him for it. There not dating the girl needs to get over it, it was not his fault she had a bad day.....

The other words that fall from the hands of a man dancing in the shadows, would be nothing but confussion.   its  all i can say with saying to much......


Monday, July 26, 2004

Week in review

After takening a weekend to my self hanging with friends a think about were to go to make myself happy I think I have... I am going to go back to doing my own thing, when ,where and what ever I want to do.  So after trying to please so many I am turning my life over to the hands that mad eme who I am my own. Away how sweet that feels.  know maybe the pain I have felt in my heart well slowly fade away and just be all a memory...

peace and chicken grease

Saturday, July 17, 2004


 ok i had a intresting chat with one of my fraternity brothers about some stuff.  i have come to realize to deal withsome things and run with them. so in the future i am going to do my part for my chapter. So if anybody wants to do lunch i will be more then wiling to hang out with you and tell you about it... one shoot out here Thanks for helping a brother get a new look on life Brother DC....

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Getting started

Well I have had a lot on my mind lately.  so I had to find a way to get the thoughts out of my mind and head, so I got a blog and a place to relieve stress.
well now that you know why I have done what I have done.  just remember that this page is for me to relieve stress, so if you want to reply to one of the posts then try not to make me have stress. I am open to any thing that you guys what to talk about too. 
why do people think that they know what you are about when they do not know anything about you? Just because I am a very outspoken person about my views on things people think they know me so, lately  I have tried change the way I do things and people still judge me so I think I am just running in to the wall(or chairs) on this one.  let me know what you think on this one .....