out counting cars

a place thats out there, for people like me......

Monday, November 22, 2004

the only one

well i have done really good for three weeks and i felt great i do not know what caused today to be different, but i thought about every thing and it brought up things i still do not know how to face and i do not want to think about but yet i do......the only way i seem to have found peace today was to run away from every thing and just feel the pain that laid in my heart.
its the thing that drives me to do better in life, its the thing that has given me the strenght to be the best i can be, its the thing that i have grown to love and hate all in time. but in time it well give me happiness.

All you people have been trying to find out what the Who man looks like so here no you see me
look at me

Saturday, November 06, 2004


friendship is one of the greastest things in the world, i have come to the finally thoughts and realize that tryingt o be some one i am not is manly the reason i have been feeling like shit and if i just would go back to haveing fun then i would be much happer like i have been the last week.. it was great to come to this reasoning because not i can have tons of fun again and randomness rains and pours of the heart and soul of one man that seems to have found happyness for now

thanks for the great night of fun last night and helping me come to the cause of thes thoughts......

Thursday, November 04, 2004

song OC class first day

the one thing form OC training class is the first HW assignment the hardest questation but its easy now and it would be these lyrics below...

everytime we lie awake
after every hit we take
every feeling that i get
but i haven't missed you yet
every room-mate kept awake
by every silent scream we make
all the feelings that i get
but i still don't miss you yet

only when i stop to think about it

i hate everything about you
why do i love you
i hate everything about you
why do i love you

everytime we lie awake
after every hit we take
every feeling that i get
but i haven't missed you y

this is now my song still as only a few people know but i am glad i have choosen this song due to the fact it setts my mind free from the world and the things that cuase me pain

i am glad i have come to terms with that i would rather have the things the way they where ... we at least had fun then and talk about things and it made things fun of each other now i say good bye know the fallow things :::::

what are you thinking about
what have i been think about for the last week
it will all work out in the end if it doesn't then it wasn't meant to be
if i were her i would love the gesture
and i think you are great anyway
so if she doesn't see that then she is just a stupid girl
i dont know whats up with her some time some day we talk and then other days she just says nothing
i don't know what to tell you about that
yeah i understand
in my personal opinion anyone would be lucky to have you, whether it is as a friend or as more, and if she can't see that then maybe shes not worthy your attention
thanks i think i am just going to try and not think about her to night and find some way to get my mind of her

i thank you my friend lots of love to a great best frined you have become